Pastor Tim and Laurie Dailey have been serving in Kuwait since October 2003.  Pastor Tim has served in full-time ministry for the last forty-four years as a pastor, church planter, and educator.  Dr. Dailey is an active Kingdom builder reaching the lost, equipping the saints, and sending men and women into the world to fulfill the Great Commission.  Tim has a world vision and a heart for the people of every nation.  Kingdom Multiplication based on true Biblical discipleship is the heartbeat of Pastor Tim and his precious wife Laurie.  It is their passion and aim to see God’s people move into their destiny and know the joy of making healthy disciples. 

The Dailey’s have six sons and seventeen grandchildren who are all currently living and serving in the USA.   Dr. Tim has published several books and articles mostly centered on personal discipleship and small group dynamics.   The books and manuals are hands-on by nature and useful for group interaction.  His material is being used by church leadership in many different nations of the world and was originally prepared for his large network of disciples in Kuwait and beyond.  If you would like to obtain some of his material, you may contact him at [email protected].

Pastor Timothy Dailey

LCmi president | bischop

Following the Lord’s calling and direction is something Pastor Allan has always taken to heart. Listening intently to God’s guidance led him to be a powerful evangelist. Anyone can win a soul for God, and anyone can disciple others if they submit to the purpose of God and leadership of the Holy Spirit in their lives. That’s something Pastor Allan wholeheartedly believes in. Making disciples and training Christian spiritual multipliers is a calling that Pastor Allan will faithfully continue for the rest of his life. 

As a result of his faithfulness, Pastor Allan is now the Senior Pastor of LCC, and is mentoring and overseeing a large network of pastors and leaders here in Kuwait, other Gulf countries, the Philippines, London, Thailand and India.

Being sensitive and responsive to the vision of God is what spurred and ignited the fire that gave birth to the ministry you see today. Life Connection Church is an influencer to the nations and a blessing to children and churches around the globe because of an ordinary man who believed in a God that could do extraordinary things.

Pastor Allan Dytianquin

LCC Senior Pastor

Pastor Aris Canlas has been residing in Kuwait for almost thirteen years.  He has been serving the Lord in full-time ministry since 1998 as a pastor and church planter.  He received his Masters in Divinity, majoring in Pastoral Leadership in 2000 from Asia Graduate School of Leaders (AGST) and is a gifted teacher, discipler, and pastor. He is also a certified public accountant by profession.

Pastor Aris and his wife Imelda have been serving the Lord in Life Connection Church through the discipleship of Ptr. Allan Dytianquin and Sis. Grace since its inception in 2006. Together they started the Life Center Jabriya.

The vision and passion of Pastor Aris is to see people transformed by the power of the Gospel and raise them up into their purpose and destiny in Christ. He and Imelda have been serving the Lord faithfully for the past eighteen years. They have been blessed with three wonderful teenagers (Ivah, Irish, and Isaiah) who also are actively involved in the ministry with Mom and Dad.

Pastor Aris is now the Lead Pastor of LCC and is mentoring and overseeing a large network of pastors and leaders here in Kuwait, other Gulf countries, and in the Philippines.

Pastor Aristeo Canlas


Pastor Rener has been serving with Life Connection Church for the last ten years while working as a Medical Technologist for twenty six years in Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital. Starting out as a Sunday school teacher in his early Christian walk, he found his passion to teach other people and to share God’s word to all ages. Through this, God has used him in different ministries in the church and ultimately used his love for teaching and burden to share the word and love of God as a calling for him to serve as a pastor. Since then, he has faithfully answered the call and is now the senior pastor of Hope Center and is serving alongside with his wife Jinky and their two wonderful children. He is now one of the members of the Executive Presbyter Team serving as LCC’s Global Missionary Director equipping and encouraging other churches around the world to share the Gospel. It is his utmost importance to fulfill the Great Commission through the multiplication of disciples. Helping other people to be the person God wants them to be for the glory of God.

Pastor Rener Soriano


Pastor William has been working in Kuwait for almost twenty one years.  He came to Kuwait in June 1997. He was trained under the leadership of Pastor Timothy Dailey and Pastor Allan Dytianquin, and was ordained as a Pastor in April 2014. He is an evangelist, discipler, and pastor. He is truly motivated by the powerful Word of God in Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

The passion of Pastor William and his wife Brenda is reaching the lost and raising healthy disciples for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. They are fully committed to the vision of LCC, which is “Multiplication through Discipleship.”  William is pastoring one of the services in the southern part of Kuwait.

As a couple, the Delos Reyes have been faithfully serving the Lord in Kuwait. The Lord blessed them with a wonderful daughter named Faith Love.  God has also blessed them with several passionate disciples who have been a source of great joy for them as they have watched them fully embrace the vision and passion of God for their lives.

William’s declaration is, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” All glory belongs to HIM.

Pastor William Delos Reyes