Life Connection Ministry International, Inc. welcomes you.

We are dedicated to the establishment of Churches with the vision of impacting their cities, nations and the world through the multiplication of disicples.


How Can Someone Connect To LCMI?

We understand that pastors, churches, or ministries with similar core values to LCMI may desire to be a part of the network. To properly accommodate the varying needs of our partners, we have developed two different levels of connection with LCMI.

Two types of relationship with LCMI

1. LCMI Affiliated Members and Churches

  • Have been specifically raised up within LCMI or established by the leadership of LCMI and its LCC congregations. Their affiliation is based upon a relational process built upon a common vision, strategy, doctrine, etc. It has been developed over time and covenant relationship.
  • All affiliated churches are under the covering of the Life Connection Leadership Team for governance and guidance and have agreed to submit to their leadership.
  • The ministers of affiliated churches hold their credentials with LCMI.
  • They are all accountable to LCMI for financial integrity.  All affiliates will operate according to a standardized financial accounting system. They will submit a budget to the LCMI leadership yearly for approval and will give monthly financial accounting reports.
  • All affiliated members agree to function under one vision and strategy. They all agree to follow the same leadership development track in bringing each member into their destiny and purpose in Christ. (“Spiritual Multipliers”)
  • Affiliated members all practice intentional discipleship and strive to advance the Kingdom through multiplying disciples.
  • Affiliated members give a regular amount to assist in supporting the LCMI missions and church planting endeavors.
  • Affiliated members will seek to maintain unity as we walk in obedience to the Lordship of Christ and obedience to His Word.

2. LCMI Associate Members

  • These are individuals who desire to maintain membership with their existing church organization, but also want to enjoy the benefits of connecting closely with LCMI for fellowship, training, encouragement, coaching, and possible cooperative church planting endeavors.
  • Associate members do not hold their ordination credentials with LCMI or LCC.
  • Associate churches are governed and guided by the constitution and bylaws of their member denomination or fellowship.
  • Associate members agree to function under one vision and strategy. They all agree to follow the same leadership development track in bringing each member into their destiny and purpose in Christ. (“Spiritual Multipliers”)
  • Have no regular financial arrangement with LCMI or LCC. However, they cooperate and support the missions and church planting endeavors of the organization.
  • Are strictly based on covenant relationship and cooperation in the work of the Kingdom.

Deepening our Relationship

Since LCMI is a movement of like-minded pastors and churches who are strongly connected relationally, it is imperative for all of us to take the necessary time to get to know each other well. Therefore, each pastor or ministry seeking connection with the network should become thoroughly familiar with the vision, strategy, core values, and policy of LCMI. Likewise, LCMI needs to become thoroughly acquainted with the pastor and/or ministry seeking membership with the network.

Our relationship may sometimes develop to the point where those that we relate to wish to be more connected to LCMI than just being an Associate member of the LCMI network. They may desire a more formal connection as a full Affiliate member. This can only happen when the individual or the church has taken sufficient time to build a deep relationship with LCMI and its leadership and is in full agreement with the doctrine, vision, and strategy.

Relational Building Period

Those desiring to connect with LCMI will undergo a period of relationship building. This process would begin with the National Leaderand/or other recognized LCMI ministries with no commitment from any party.  (Note: LCMI can enquire via local reliable ministries that already have an existing relationship with the contacting party, and who can provide us with any necessary background information.)

Once sufficient understanding of both parties has been reached and the pastor/ministry wishes to be connected with LCMI, then a recommendation that they be accepted as an associate of LCMI could be initiated.  (Such recommendation can come from the LCMI ministry contact that has built the relationship and be supported by the LCMI National Leader.) 

Churches that are already under the covering of another church stream or group of churches can be associates of LCMI but not hold Affiliate status. (Associate status would mean they have access to what is happening within LCMI by way of newsletters, emails, and attendance at conferences. They may also avail themselves of our resources, ministry aids, personnel, etc.  Some ministry support could be given to Associates but priority would be to the member churches of LCMI and would be determined by the National Leader and the LCMI Leadership Team.)


LCMI does not promise financial support to anyone, but may choose to do so as they are lead of the Lord and agreed upon by the LCMI Leadership Team.

LCMI offers support to its members by providing a Network of expertise that will assist churches to be healthy and grow.


  • Affiliate – “to be a part of”
  • Associate – “to be in relationship with, associated with”